Adorn yourself with authentic Colombian elegance through our unique collection of earrings and hats, seamlessly blending tradition and style in every detail.


My story with Alma began in Colombia when I was just a child. I always had a passion for creating things using natural elements that were in my surroundings, always seeking to understand the changes in vegetation and its fruits. I initially experimented with seeds from fruits, trees, vegetables, and their different shades.

During these processes, drying the seeds in the sun was something I connected with. While this happened, my inspiration to design unique items and give them a new life became the driving force behind this great dream of creating personalized objects and accessories.

My first clients were family and friends who understood the concept and the soul of this great dream, which is now the foundation for creating Alma Artisan.

My goal with “Alma Artisan” is to convey authenticity through our pieces and elements, to feel a connection with natural elements and their artisanal transformation, with a social and cultural focus.


At Alma Artisan, our mission is to create and curate the finest handmade accessories enhancing the style of women with a discerning taste for authenticity and craftsmanship. 


Our vision is to establish Alma Artisan as a leader of Social Responsibility by enhancing the lives and telling the stories of our talented Colombian artisans, weavers and creators of our products. 


We define Artisans as people who posses the ability to pass on their culture through the intricate details of their artwork.  For Alma, our Artisans express this through the medium of accessories that complement what a women wears.  These Artisans are the heart and soul of our brand and we support them in all parts of their creative process.

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